Electric Pressure Cooker Tips

Ever since I received my first Electric Pressure Cooker, I find myself using it more and more! Do not be afraid, the new models are very safe and once you get comfortable with it, you will find yourself adapting your own recipes too! So, goodbye slow cooker and Hello quick meals!!


Question EmojiPressure Cooker Facts and Myths


So, you got a new Instant Pot for the Holiday and it’s still in the box. You’ve seen the infomercials, the guy with the Power Pressure XL making BBQ’d ribs in 10 minutes. Can it really be true? I’m here to help you sort through the hype and not be afraid to take that pot out of that box and get cookin’!!

MYTH: You can cook meals in 10 minutes!

FACT: Yes, a pressure cooker cooks meals fast. And, in some cases, it can cook meals in 20-30 minutes. But the fact is that when you use a pressure cooker this is what you have to consider:

Prep Time+Pressure Buildup+Pressure Cook time+Release Time=DINNER!

Naturally, Prep Time varies, depending on what you’re making. Chopped up veggies, meats, etc. Once you’re done with that, we consider the Pressure Buildup. This is the time it takes for your pressure cooker to get hot enough to cook the meal. (This is also the thing that you don’t hear much about on the infomercials or from other fans of pressure cooking.) The more you have in the pot and/or the more liquid that’s in there, the longer this can take. And, just this step alone can take 25-30 minutes! Soups take the longest, due to the high volume of liquid, but this is also true of a pound of pasta (4 cups of liquid!) Pressure cook time for dry pasta is 6 minutes, but it will probably take about 20 minutes all together because you have to wait for the pressure to build up and then for it to cook for 6 minutes. The good news is you can add other ingredients, (fresh or frozen vegetables and meat-but remember-the more that’s in the pot=longer pressure buildup) and  it’s all in one pot, so you can set it and walk away. Lastly, you’ll have to consider if you need to Naturally Release the pressure from your pot, which can take another 10-20 minutes. Some meats, like beef and pork, need this method because otherwise the meat can get tough.

MYTH:  My pressure cooker is going to explode all over the place!

FACT: Let’s face it, the kitchen is a dangerous place. Using any appliance brings the possibility of bodily injury! But, the fact is that the new Electronic Pressure Cookers are not your grandma’s stovetop one. They are chock full of safety features, and once you get familiar with it, you’ll be fine. All of the models I have used prevent you from opening it (or using it at all) if it’s not set properly and done releasing. The Instant Pot even has a “Burn” alert that comes up if you didn’t put enough liquid in, and it is super sensitive (to the point of it being annoying, in my opinion).

MYTH: I can only make certain foods (the infomercial ones) in my pressure cooker.

 FACT: Good grief, no! You can make oodles of recipes in it! And once you start using it, you’ll find yourself making up all kinds of new and delicious combinations.

I sure hope these few Myths/Facts help you get more comfortable using your cooker. I’ll add more as I think of them.

Happy Cookin’!





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