Tag Archives: dry

Your Spice Rack

I’ve decided to start at the beginning, and have my first few posts let you know what items I keep in my pantry and refrigerator at all times. These items are essential to have on hand so that you can create your own recipes (or use mine!). Many of these items are handy for creating your own sauces as well. Store bought jarred sauces are expensive and full of sugar, so making them yourself will let you know exactly what (and how much) ingredients you are eating. I am pretty sure that I will be updating this list often, so you’ll want to check back!

DRY SPICES and HERBS:  Most of these are available at any Dollar Store, so they are a very inexpensive way to stock your kitchen.  Just in case you are just stocking your kitchen for the first time, I’ve starred (*) the items that I consider ‘starter spices’, just to get you going!

  • Salt/Pepper*: I know that this one seems pretty obvious, but when I first started cooking, I just kept my salt and pepper on the dinner table. Now I have a separate pair that I use to flavor with.
  • Basil/Oregano*: If you want, you can do a 2 for 1 on this in the Spice Classics brand, and just get the Italian Seasoning, which is a combo of the two of these.
  • Adobo: This is a combo spice of garlic, oregano and black pepper and is available from Goyo. It’s certainly not an essential, but does come in handy. So if you see it on sale at your local market, pick it up!
  • Parsley*: I mostly use this on salads and in soups. Definitely a must have.
  • Garlic Powder*: As opposed to garlic salt, which I do not use. Too salty for my taste.
  • Chili Flavoring*: This is also available in packets for individual meal use, but that comes out to be way to expensive, so I just buy the bottle for a buck, and add a few more spices to my chili. Also great for sloppy joes!
  • Ginger: This is one of those spices that I usually forget I have, but it does add a nice flavor when going for an asian flair.
  • Paprika: Another spice that I don’t often use, so I will be experimenting with it more.
  • Rosemary: I have just recently discovered this, (I couldn’t get it at the Dollar Store), and it has a very strong flavor. Use with caution. I messed up an experimental chicken recipe with this one night.
  • Dill: Another spice to be careful with. I know it has a powerful effect on a dish.
  • Cinnamon*: Not just for cinnamon toast!! I use cinnamon quite often to cook meals with, especially since we have added more fruits to our diet.
  • Nutmeg: Like cinnamon, a great addition to a meat (particularly pork)/fruit recipe. Use sparingly though.

So now you know my spice rack. I have a few more things in there, like flavored salts that I picked up at the store marked down to $1.29 each, but I really don’t use them often, as I’m not a big fan of using alot of salt in my recipes. But they do have a nice flavor, so I’ll hang onto them.